
Children must be at least three (3) years of age on or before October 31, 2025 to register and begin classes in September 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year. Your child must be toilet-trained.

Registrations for each session are taken on a first come first serve basis with waiting lists for full sessions. A non-refundable registration fee of $26 is required at the time of registration to hold your spot. Payment can be made by cheque or E-Transfer to (see more information under FEES).

Please fill out and return:

  1. Co-operative Membership Agreement
  2. Registration Form
  3. COVID waiver
  4. Media Consent Form

Return completed forms to:

Or by mail to:

Park Heights Creative Preschool Co-operative
60 Ravine Drive
Saskatoon SK S7K 1E2